Make your next walk more comfortable with the Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller. It features a pair of seats that make it suitable for two babies at a time. The Baby Jogger Double Stroller is a useful choice for parents of twins. It's built with multi-position seats that can be reclined for extra comfort. Use the Baby Trend twin stroller to give your kids a place to sit and relax while going for a jog outdoors. The five-point harness provides ideal safety and stability for the occupants during movement. The stroller has ratcheted canopies to provide shade and weather protection. Lockable swivel casters at the front provide easy movement and keep it stable. Keep the kids stocked with snacks and drinks using the built-in trays and cup holders. An MP3 plug-in with speakers allows babies to enjoy music during the trip. The Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller features a strong and durable frame.
5-point Safety Harness
Baby Trend
Baby Trend Inc
43 lbs
46.00 x 32.50 x 43.00 Inches