The Compact Stroller That Conquers Two
There are about a dozen tri-fold strollers out there, but none of them that will rock your socks as much as the KooperX2. With a compact three-part fold and seats for two kids up to 50 lbs each, the KooperX2 double stroller is easy to travel with, and makes traveling easier.
One of the most compact folding double strollers on the market
Bigger and smoother wheels than any other compact stroller
The ONLY compact stroller in the US with two trays that fold with it
Plenty of elbow room with the widest seats EVER
We took every part of the tri-fold strollers that were already out there, made one that was EVEN better, and then doubled it. More space for kids, more space for stuff, and more confidence to travel with two kids.
Best. Stroller. EVER.
From the storage basket to the seat, we intentionally engineered the KooperX2 to be the best compact double stroller on the market.
Can We Get a Booyah?
Our tri-fold KooperX2 double stroller has the biggest wheels of any compact stroller on the market, which means a smooth ride and an easy one-handed push.
One-Step Linked Parking Brakes
One tap secures your precious cargo on both sides